Proposed improvements at Tore Roundabout welcomed by MSP

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, is pleased to be advised that initial improvements at the Tore Roundabout will be introduced imminently in a bid to improve safety in the area.

The MSP was approached by concerned constituents following a number of accidents in the area last month. Mrs Grant was unsure if the spate of accidents in January were related to weather conditions, but nonetheless contacted Transport Scotland to see how the suggested improvements from the A9 North Kessock to Tore Study (published in 2021) were developing.

Mrs Grant has been advised that BEAR Scotland is currently progressing the design of three resurfacing schemes in the vicinity of the Tore Roundabout on the A9 and that the first scheme is likely to be completed prior to the end of the current financial year.

In addition, the MSP has been advised that ‘Traffic speed surveys were carried out in 2022 around Tore Roundabout to inform a review of the speed limit. Taking the findings of these into account, BEAR Scotland, has developed a proposal for a reduction in the speed limit from the national speed limit to 40mph at this location.’

Transport Scotland also advised Mrs Grant that ‘BEAR Scotland is continuing to develop the outline proposals for active travel improvements at Tore Roundabout, with a detailed design of the proposals programmed for 2023/24. These timescales reflect the need for traffic modelling to optimise the performance of the new layout for non-motorised users whilst minimising the impact on motorised traffic. This will include assessment of options for signals to control traffic movements, and allowing pedestrians to cross the carriageway at dedicated crossings as an improvement to road safety.’

Rhoda Grant said “It’s not clear if the accidents last month were weather related but nonetheless, it’s good to hear that BEAR Scotland is to carry out resurfacing schemes in the vicinity of the roundabout. I’m told the first of the three schemes is likely to be carried out before the end of this financial year.

Mrs Grant continued “It is deeply worrying that pedestrians have to take their life in their hands and cross 4 lanes of dual carriageway at present and while it still has to go out for consultation, I very much welcome the proposals in the pipeline to reduce the speed limit in the run up to the roundabout to 40mph, together with the proposed option to install dedicated crossings to allow pedestrians to cross the carriageway safely.

“Any measures that improve safety on our roads will always be welcome.”


The proposed 40mph speed limit covers the two trunk road approaches, the A9 north and south of Tore Roundabout and the A835. The Highland Council has agreed to promote a reduced speed limit on the two A832 minor road approaches to Tore Roundabout, which are the responsibility of The Highland Council.

The second resurfacing scheme is planned for construction in the 2023/24 financial year with the third planned by the end of the 2024/25 financial year, subject to budget allocations.

A9 dualling delayed

Commenting on news that A9 dualling has been delayed as the contract is re-tendered Scottish Labour Highlands and Islands MSP Rhoda Grant said:

“This is a total betrayal of the Highlands and yet another broken election promise.

“Lives are being lost on this dangerous road while communities go without the upgrades they have waited years for.

“It is shameful that on the day Volodymyr Zelensky is addressing the UK Parliament, SNP Ministers are trying to blame the war in Ukraine for the their failure to deliver a manifesto pledge from 2007.

“This is a mess of the SNP’s own making – and the Minister’s desperate excuses can’t hide that.

“The SNP need to come clean and tell us when they will actually deliver this long overdue promise.”

Inverness campaigner has petition considered at Scottish Parliament

Today the Scottish Parliament’s Citizen’s Participation and Public Petitions Committee considered petition PE1723 on Essential Tremor.  Brought forward by petitioner and formidable campaigner Mary Ramsay from Inverness, the petition calls for Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) technology to be made available on the NHS.

The non-invasive and effective treatment could benefit over 4000 patients currently living with essential tremor.  The treatment can also be used to treat a number of conditions and offers the opportunity for further research.

Mary has campaigned for disability rights and equality for more than 40 years.  She remains mystified that since starting her campaign in Scotland, England has two centres which now use MRgFUS. “We have long waiting lists here, folk are waiting to access invasive Deep Brain Stimulation, some are being referred south of the border to receive MRgFUS treatment, at a cost.  It’s madness that the Scottish Government are not seizing the opportunity to provide it on the NHS, a treatment that we have the capability and resources for.

I am thankful that the Committee continues to consider my petition but it would fantastic if they could push the Scottish Government and National Services Division to come forward with more clarity on the decision making process.

In March we have an event in the Scottish Parliament for politicians to come and meet with patients and clinicians.  I hope the Cabinet Secretary for Health will attend to hear, first hand, the massive benefits this can have for people.  Hopefully this will assist them with their decisions making process.  I will continue to campaign for MRgFUS treatment to made available here on the NHS.”

Rhoda Grant, Scottish Labour Highlands and Islands MSP has been supporting Mary with her petition. “I am disappointed that we are no further forward but I hope that this will change in the near future.  I have asked the Committee to write to both the Scottish Government and National Services Division asking for an update.

This would be a brilliant opportunity for the NHS in Scotland to roll out a treatment that would not only benefit so many but provide opportunities for world renowned research into many areas.  I hope that the Mr Yusuf will see the light after the event in March and pave the way for more formative and positive action.”


CalMac pay-outs rose four-fold

Scottish Labour has revealed that the amount being paid out in compensation to CalMac customers has soared four-fold over the last four years.

In 2018-19 – the year that the delayed Ferguson’s Marine ferries were originally scheduled to be delivered – a total of £159,000 was paid out to CalMac customers for disruptions. This works out at an average of £13,250 a month.

In the first four months of 2022-23 alone, CalMac had already paid out £215,000 – an average of £53,000 per month.

This means passengers are facing more delays and disruption on CalMac routes, costing the publicly-owned operator four times more than it did in 2018-19.

Labour warned that the late Ferguson’s Marine ferries along with years of poor planning under the SNP have left island communities with an ageing fleet and left taxpayers with spiralling costs.

Commenting, Scottish Labour Islands spokesperson Rhoda Grant said:

“These spiralling costs expose what a mess the SNP have made of lifeline ferry services in Scotland.

“Our ferry fleet has been left to rust because of years of failed planning, as well as the ferry fiasco where the Scottish Government have failed to deliver two new ferries.

“Now islanders are stuck with chaos, cancellations and delays while taxpayers foot the bill.

“The SNP have no short-term answers and no long term plan to fix this shambles. We need a national ferry building programme that supports Scotland’s shipbuilding industry and delivers the ferries we need.  In the meantime, they must buy additional tonnage to have enough capacity to cover the daily breakdowns that are happening due to the ageing fleet.”

MSP asks for progress on Tore safety improvements

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, has written to Transport Scotland to ask what stage the road safety improvements identified for the Tore area are at.

Potential improvements were identified in the recent A9 North Kessock to Tore Study and, following recent accidents in the area, the MSP is keen to know what stage things are at.

Rhoda Grant said “While I appreciate that the recent accidents may have been due to weather conditions, nonetheless, I am keen to see improvements introduced as soon as possible in the area.

“We have seen some short term improvements introduced at the Munlochy junction which are very welcome and I’d like to see things improved around the Tore area too.”

Useful telephone numbers this Christmas Period

My constituency and parliamentary offices will be closed until 8th January 2024.  We will aim to respond to you when we return.

If you have a pressing or urgent concern during this Christmas period, please read through the below list and contact the relevant organisation.

NHS Highland – serving both Highland and Argyll and Bute

Telephone number: 01463 704000

Highland Council

Argyll and Bute Council 

Moray Council 

NHS Grampian – serving Moray area

NHS Shetland 

Shetland Islands Council 

NHS Orkney 

Orkney Islands Council 

NHS Western Isles 

Western Isles Council 

Emergency Telephone – 999

Non emergency – 101

NHS 24 

Telephone – 111


Mental Health Support 

NHS Western Isles Mental Health and Learning Disability Services

Mental Health Support Services in Moray 


Telephone  – 116 123

Mikey’s Line 

Text: 07786207755

Breathing Space 

Telephone: 0800838587





Let there be light

‘Let there be light’ said MSP Rhoda Grant, checking progress of a dark public underpass in the middle of Aviemore after long delays.

But this afternoon (30.11.22) a team arrived from Highland Council finally to instal illuminations into the ceiling of the brick tunnel linking Grampian Road’s busy shopping centre with Dalfaber Road on the other side of the Strathspey Steam Railway line.

Lighting up at Aviemore. Picture: David Macleod
Lighting up at Aviemore. Picture: David Macleod

On hearing the news of the work start from the Strathy, Mrs Grant said “I’m delighted to see that the work has begun as we head into the winter months.

“These new lights will not only make the pathway safer for pedestrians to use but they will enhance the appearance of the area too.

“I’m grateful to the constituents who raised the issue with me and campaigned so hard to have this valuable work carried out.”

Following much local despair at the state of the dark pathway from the Butcher’s Burn beside Te Vault nightspot, the work had been scheduled for the end of October and due to be completed by mid November.

Article and picture courtesy of the Strathspey & Badenoch Herald

Stalled Aviemore lighting work to begin this week.

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, was disappointed to learn that the work to install the lighting at the railway underpass in Aviemore had not yet started, in spite of this having been scheduled to begin almost a month ago.

The work was due to start at the end of October and due to be completed by mid November. However constituents advised the MSP that these scheduled dates had not been met by Highland Council and there were real concerns about this, given that construction works on the Dalfaber rail crossing and road closure mean that this route is the main pedestrian route to Dalfaber at the moment. Constituents advised the MSP that negotiating the underpass and the flooded path is very dangerous at this time.

Given the increased pedestrian numbers together with the ongoing dangers present in the area, Mrs Grant contacted Highland Council again last week asking for an urgent update from them detailing why the work had not yet commenced as was scheduled and asking for a new timeframe of when the work would be carried out.

Rhoda Grant said “Constituents have been very patient here but their fears over safety in the area are very real.

“I was informed late on Friday that the problem was due to resourcing issues within the Inverness team. The Council tells me it has addressed the issue by moving staff from other areas to carry out the works and that the works are due to start early this week, weather permitting.

“They advise that there will be some disruption for pedestrians in the underpass as the works commence but I’m sure folks will put up with the disruption just to see the new lighting finally being installed.”

Picture courtesy of Strathspey & Badenoch Herald

Comment from Rhoda Grant MSP on Ministerial meeting on A9 dualling

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, has said she is extremely disappointed with the meeting held yesterday (23.11.22) to discuss progressing the dualling of the A9 between Perth and Inverness, saying that the meeting was not about the dualling at all but was instead about looking at ways of mitigating the number of accidents that are currently happening on the single carriageway sections of the road.

The Minister for Transport, Jenny Gilruth, along with Police Scotland and transport officials met with MSPs to discuss the issue after Mrs Grant had called for a meeting about the number of fatalities over recent months and the timescales for improving the road layout.

Commenting after the meeting, Rhoda Grant said “The Minister discussed using improved lining technology and increasing signage to remind drivers when they are on single carriageway sections while Police Scotland shared their view that driver fatigue was often to blame, coupled with foreign drivers not knowing the road.

“This is all well and good but it doesn’t take us any further forward on when the much needed dualling will progress. The Minister advised that the costs have increased and said it is still the Scottish Government’s aim to dual the whole road but she’s given absolutely no indication of when any of this might progress.

Mrs Grant concluded “It is simply not good enough. The deadline of 2025 is becoming more unachievable day on day but I will continue to do everything within my power to keep the pressure on the Government to get this road upgraded to the standard that it should be. We owe this to the thousands of motorists who use the road daily and to the families who have lost loved ones in such tragic circumstances.”

MSP welcomes further safety measures at Munlochy junction

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, has welcomed the announcement that traffic will no longer be able to turn right onto the A9 northbound when exiting from the B9161 at Munlochy junction.

The MSP has been pressing for improvements in this area and is pleased that this further safety measure is being introduced, following the street lighting being installed at the junction earlier this year.

Rhoda Grant said “The community has been pushing for improvements at the junction for years now and it is good to see some of this now coming to fruition.

“These small improvements being implemented will go some way to improving the situation while the longer term solutions continue to be looked into.”

She concluded “I will continue to have dialogue with Transport Scotland, Police Scotland and the Scottish Government going forward but I welcome this progress in the meantime.”