Highlands and Islands MSP tackles Transport Scotland Chief Executive about Tain junction

I have written to Transport Scotland’s Chief Executive asking what action it will be taking to allay the community’s safety concerns about two Tain junctions.

I was contacted by constituents who told her that ‘nearly every week’ an incident happens’ on A9 at Tain at the Asda and Lidl junctions.

It has been highlighted recent publicity about 11 accidents at the Tain Asda junction, recently labelled the worst A9 hotspot.

I have asked Transport chief Roy Brannen about progress with traffic studies at these junctions and when those findings will be published. And, what action is Transport Scotland taking to increase safety measures at these junctions.

From what I’ve been told the community are anxious to avoid a serious accident or a fatality at these junctions and the statistics certainly prove that they have got a very good point.

We will soon be coming into the winter months when driving conditions are more perilous, so it would be good to know what the transport agency proposes to make these junctions safer.



Highlands and Islands MSPs push for more protection for Wick flights

My Labour colleague David Stewart and I are supporting constituents who want to see Wick air routes ring-fenced and protected for the future.

We represent the Highland Islands, have been contacted by local people calling for a Public Service Obligation (PSO) on Caithness air services because they argue the region has been failed by not having good transport links.

A PSO, under EU transport law, is a permitted state aid which maintains scheduled air services on routes vital for the economic development of the region they serve.

Mr Stewart contacted Transport Secretary, Michael Matheson, after a recent visit to Caithness where the need for a PSO was raised by constituents particularly concerned about the future of the Wick-Edinburgh route. Mrs Grant has been contacted by a business also worried about fragile air links.

Caithness Chamber of Commerce argued last month that a PSO route to Wick would put Caithness and Sutherland on an equal footing with many remote and rural communities elsewhere in Scotland well-served by air routes.

In his reply to the us, Mr Matheson highlighted Wick’s two scheduled air services, Wick-Edinburgh and Wick-Aberdeen, and said that “given the commercial nature of the current air services serving multiple destinations, it is not possible to impose a PSO on an air service from Wick at present”.

Mr Matheson added: “Should both current services cease we would consider the use of a PSO.”

Mr Stewart stressed that the travelling time from Edinburgh was at least five and a half hours by car and eight hours by public transport, weather conditions permitting.

“The Scottish Government’s reply is disappointing,” said Mr Stewart.

“I’ve been told about the deep concern in Caithness about the future viability of Wick’s air routes and it would be a great pity if we had to wait for a complete failure of the service before the Scottish Government take action.

“I will be raising this in the Scottish Parliament as Convener of the Cross-Party Group on Aviation.”

Businesses were already challenged by being in a remote, rural area and maintaining of air links were vital for development and jobs.

Many jobs hang in the balance which are connected to a good air service, from those at the airport itself, to Aberdeen links to the oil and gas industry, to servicing wind energy developments and so on.

Dounreay decommissioning is ongoing and relies on air transport for travelling contractors and executives. Passengers should not have to travel to Inverness to access vital air services.


Visit to GlenWyvis Distillery in Dingwall

I heard how the GlenWyvis Distillery in Dingwall is just £70,000 short of its £750,000 open share offer when she visited the company last week.
I represent Labour in the Highlands and Islands, was told how the first 100% community owned distillery is forging ahead with its gin and whisky production after being established just two years ago.
I was encouraged to visit the venture because she is also a member of the Co-operative Party.
I was very impressed by GlenWyvis not only because of its community base but also due to its efforts to bring in green policies to protect the environment and use renewable energy,
It is so encouraging to see an ambitious community co-op taking off, especially in Dingwall where the last distillery closed in 1926. There are high hopes for more jobs to be created as the business develops and I wish them every success for the future.
I was shown around the distillery by its Marketing and Tourism Strategy Officer, Michael Fraser, and Distillery Manager, Duncan Tait.


No facilities for women to serve their sentences

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, is frustrated to have it confirmed that there will be no facilities for women to serve their sentences in the new prison to be built in Inverness.  Highland councillors recently approved planning permission in principle for the prison to be built on a site near Inverness Retail Park with building work understood to be due to start this year.


Rhoda Grant said “The Scottish Prison Service has confirmed to me that future custodial arrangements for women from the north will remain as they are at present.  Under current plans women will continue to serve their sentences in Peterhead.


“This is unacceptable in the 21st century.  Women offenders need to be accommodated closer to home to allow loved ones, particularly children, to visit easily.  It is neither acceptable nor right that families in the north should have to travel these distances to visit.


“I appreciate the old Inverness Prison is over 100 years old but the SPS needs to move with the times and come into this century.


Mrs Grant continued “I have contacted the Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Michael Matheson, previously about this, and I have also now asked the Chief Inspector for Prisons to intervene to ensure there are facilities in the north for women to serve their sentences.”

Visit to Shopper-Aide

After carrying out a number of constituency visits to Argyll & Bute ,Highlands & Islands Regional MSP, Rhoda Grant, took the opportunity of meeting with staff from the charity, Shopper-Aide, which is located in Campbeltown.

Rhoda said:

“I believe that Shopper-Aide is a massive asset to the Kintyre area and started as a shopping service for the elderly but it has quickly expanded and now offers housekeeping services, delivery of prescriptions and the set up of clubs such as the Elderberries Club”

“I would encourage anyone over 60 to utilise this service as it really is, a wonderful organisation and I am delighted to support it in any way that I can.

“ They are currently applying for Big Lottery Funding, which if successful will allow the charity to continue to provide the valuable services that they do.

Motion lodged by Rhoda in the Scottish Parliament

Date Lodged: 30/07/2018

Title: Shopper-Aide

Motion Text:

That the Parliament acknowledges the efforts of all volunteers and staff involved in the Campbeltown-based charity, Shopper-Aide; understands that the charity provides valuable community resources designed to support older people to live independently at home; notes that, among the services provided, it shops for the older persons weekly needs, supports them with their domestic household chores and, at the same time, addresses the problem of growing isolation that comes from weakening health; understands that the charity also provides social events for the older person in the area, allowing them to meet and socialise with others; commends the endeavour and enthusiasm of all involved in this charity, and wishes it continued success going forward.

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