NHS Tayside confirms it now has focused ultrasound equipment while committee agrees to keep petition as legacy for the next Scottish Parliament

The Scottish Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee heard this morning that a ground-breaking technology – backed by an Inverness campaigner – is now with NHS Tayside and should start treating its first patient this year.

The public petitions committee reconvened to hear more on Mary Ramsay’s petition asking the Scottish Government to back the provision of magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound technology for the treatment of patients with Essential Tremor.

But Mrs Ramsay, Chair of the Scottish Tremor Society, heard, although the equipment was in situ after a fundraising target to buy it was reached, the Scottish Government is still holding its previous position that patients will not be treated under the NHS in Scotland as is now happening in England.

However, the committee agreed to not closing her petition but to continue to include it in its legacy paper for its successor committee after the Scottish Parliament elections in May, along with a suggestion to then seek an update from new Health Secretary on the Scottish Government’s plans to make the treatment more widely available.

After the committee, Mrs Ramsay, who has Essential Tremor, said: “It was a pleasant surprise that the committee could keep the petition open and pass it on. The committee has been very supportive, and I appreciate that, and really can’t thank them enough.

“Although disappointing that the Government has not seen where I am coming from, the fact that I have cross-party support will hopefully be beneficial for the next Parliament.

“I now have the support of the Neurological Alliance, a coalition of organisations working to transform the lives of those living with a neurological condition, which has also added strength to the campaign.”

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, a long-time supporter of Mrs Ramsay’s campaign, spoke to the committee, thanked members for all the work that they had done and stressed that Mrs Ramsay was not going to give up pressing for the treatment to be widely available in Scotland.

“I can’t help feeling we are making progress but not fast enough. It does not appear that the Scottish Government has done anything to assist the process of bringing this ground-breaking technology to Scotland,” she said.

“I know Mary Ramsay shares my frustration. While understanding the pandemic has slowed things down, there is also a real concern that those requiring treatment now are suffering because of this delay.”

In a submission to the committee, Health Secretary, Jeane Freeman, said NHS Scotland National Services Division was continuing to engage with clinicians in Dundee and commissioning colleagues in England to assess how this treatment might be made available to Scottish patients. However, in light of Covid-19, new applications through National Specialist Services Committee were paused. Also, the equipment would begin initially treating one patient on a trial basis for six months.

Mrs Grant said it was disappointing that it could not be more widely available.

“The technology offers faster, safer treatment and is therefore more cost effective. It could be available in Scotland this summer and that would be a game changer for those suffering from Essential Tremor,” she added.

“This delay is of no comfort for those waiting for this treatment and it adds to the frustration that this is available to others with the same condition in the rest of the UK.”

Committee members, MSPs Gail Ross, Maurice Corry and Tom Mason backed the petition being carried forward to the next Parliament, as did Committee Convener, Johann Lamont, saying that she believed the Scottish Government response was “half-hearted”.

* Previously the public petitions committee heard from Professor Dipankar Nandi, about the benefits and cost effectiveness of magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound technology for the treatment of patients with Essential Tremor. The professor is based at Imperial College in London and answered questions from MSPs via a video link.

* He told the committee he estimated 10,000 people would have a significant tremor in Scotland and would benefit from the treatment. He explained the technology and science was nothing new and the treatment was an alternative to Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) which involved invasive surgery and inserting a probes inside the head.

* Professor Nandi said NHS England had authorised the treatment for 150 patients a year at his unit.
Mrs Ramsay has Deep Brain Stimulation where electrodes are placed in the brain to help alleviate the condition which causes involuntary and rhythmic shaking affecting almost any part of the body. She will not benefit from the new treatment but is passionate that others will.

* While NHS Scotland has previously rejected funding based on its interpretation of the evidence and NICE guidance, NHS England has now agreed to fund the Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound technology based on the same evidence and countries worldwide already use it

* Fundraising for the equipment was run by the University of Dundee. The technology uses MRI imaging to guide high powered, focused ultrasound to a very small point. At that point, molecules are vibrated extremely quickly, which creates intense local heat which destroys the tissue. The technology allows clinicians to target a very specific focal point – with very little heating produced in front of and behind that point, so only the targeted tissue is affected.

MSP Rhoda Grant has welcomed a boost for Inverness and Nairn after a five-year contract was signed between Capgemini and the Metropolitan Police

MSP Rhoda Grant has welcomed a boost for Inverness and Nairn after a five-year contract was signed between Capgemini and the Metropolitan Police.

The Highlands & Islands Labour MSP said she was delighted for the staff who are going to be part of this project.

She said: “This is great news for Inverness and Nairn where the IT firm has bases. At a time when the employment sector is rocky and too many people are in insecure jobs this will help to provide steady employment and I will be writing to congratulate Cap Gemini on this success.”

It comes as Scottish Labour announces plans for a Business Network to grow new jobs.

The Scottish Labour Business Network is to be led by former Trade Minister Brian Wilson.

It will convene business leaders and produce new policy ideas designed to help businesses grow so that new jobs can be created.

Scottish Labour’s new leader Anas Sarwar has said the party will “have a laser-focus on job creation and engage positively with businesses to create the sustainable economic recovery we need”.

Grant’s exasperation as Ministers punt same response on access to Covid funding

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, has said she is becoming ‘increasingly exasperated’ that her repeated pleas to the Scottish Government to listen to the concerns of local business over the stringent eligibility criteria in place for sectoral funding continue to fall on deaf ears.

Mrs Grant raised the matter twice this week, with the First Minister (for the second time), and with the Cabinet Secretary for Local Government, Aileen Campbell, during Topical Questions in Parliament today (03/03/2021).

She asked the Cabinet Secretary what discussions the Scottish Government has had regarding changing the ring fence criteria concerning the sectoral funds which are distributed by local authorities and appealed for the Cabinet Secretary to listen to the pleas from business, some of whom are paying off staff as they can no longer afford to keep them on.

Speaking afterwards Mrs Grant said “It is becoming increasingly exasperating to receive the same stock answer time and time again from Scottish Ministers that they are listening and funding is in place.

“They continue to punt the discretionary funding that has been made available to local authorities to catch those who don’t qualify for sectoral grants but in Highland, the amount available per business from the discretionary funding is capped at £2,000 per business.

She continued “£2,000 is not going to save these businesses and I know owners are having sleepless nights as they prepare to pay staff off. This is heartbreaking on so many levels, for the owners who are watching their dreams disappear, for the staff who are losing their jobs, and for the Highland economy which is so reliant on tourism for its existence.

“The Government says it is listening to local authorities, and to business, but I’m not seeing much evidence of that from my inbox.”


Highlands & Island Labour MSP: Bring social care under public ownership. Nationalisation is needed.

Reacting to the shock announcement this week that social care provider HC-One is having to sell off and transfer care homes during the biggest public health crisis in all our lifetimes, Highlands and Islands MSP Rhoda Grant has contacted the Cabinet Secretary for Health urging the Scottish Government to take the homes in Scotland under local authority control.

In her email to Jean Freeman this morning, Mrs Grant has written:

“I am writing to urge you to press your government to bring the care homes in Scotland which are going on the market under public ownership.
“This move would show real commitment from the Scottish Government to meet the promise it made in its Programme for Government to support Scottish Labour’s visionary plan for a National Care Service.

“The move by HC-One to sell off those care homes will be terrible news for worn out key workers and will affect them very badly, and it will be causing stress and anxiety for vulnerable service users, and their worried families. I am deeply concerned and would urge the government to step in. I would echo what the GMB Union has said: The announcement that one of our biggest social care providers is having to sell off and transfer care homes during the biggest public health crisis in all our lifetimes just shows how badly in need of repair our social care system is.

“Please bring the homes being sold under local authority control with the Scottish Government funding the transition costs.

“A properly funded national care service has never been so vital.”


Grant continues to push for sight-saving eye injection clinics to be delivered on Skye for people suffering Wet Macular Degeneration: The door isn’t closed. It just needs pushed a little bit harder”.

HIGHLANDS & ISLANDS MSP Rhoda Grant is “optimistic” she will win her campaign for eyesight treatment clinics to be delivered on Skye for people suffering Wet Macular Degeneration.

Mrs Grant has been urging government ministers and health chiefs to bring those services closer to avoid the need for poor-sighted elderly patients to take the 200-mile round-trip to Inverness every few weeks for the injections they need to prolong their sight.

Pointing to some success, the health board’s latest progress update for the MSP, says eyesight specialists had been recruited and some eyesight treatment services would be delivered for the first time on Skye within weeks.

Chief officer David Park said the service had filled long term vacant ophthalmology posts, including recruiting a Global Citizen post, a Glaucoma Clinical Fellow and a Macular Speciality doctor. The service, he said, was now in a position to “reinstate activity in peripheral sites that was withdrawn or reduced” and patients enduring lengthy waits for cataract operations would be “prioritised”.

However, he also said that “due to the equipment or ophthalmic trained skills that are required for safety reasons” the service was not yet in a position to deliver sight-saving eye injection clinics on Skye for patients with Wet Macular Degeneration.

But Mrs Grant said she optimistic of light coming down the tunnel.

“The door isn’t closed”, she said.

“It just needs pushed a little bit harder”.

She continued: “My letter from Mr Park says the injection clinics were “under review”.

“It says the ophthalmology service could potentially seek funding to support an additional Nurse Injector whose base would be Raigmore Hospital in Inverness but they would have peripheral activity factored into their rota which would enable a local injection service to be delivered. This would avoid the need for patients to travel all the way to Inverness for those injections.

“I have written back to Mr Park to say I would be very keen to help the service push for this funding. I hope his reply will set out how we can perhaps join forces to secure this service for Skye.”


Highlands and Islands MSPs back improved end-of-life and palliative care

Highlands and Islands Labour MSPs, David Stewart and Rhoda Grant, are backing calls for improved end-of-life and palliative care as new research shows that by 2040, 95% of people who die in Scotland may need additional support in their care.

Charity Marie Curie Scotland says another 60,000 people are projected to be dying with a terminal condition by 2040 – with an increase in people dying in the community rather than hospital – and has urged end of life care to be made a priority for the Scottish Government with a new national strategy.  This is being backed by Scottish Labour.

Mr Stewart and Mrs Grant have previously called for end of life care to be at the top of the political agenda as home care services for the dying in Scotland are patchy at best. Around 10,295 people die in the Highlands and Islands each year and of these 7,720 have palliative care need. Marie Curie, in an opinion poll of Scots, highlighted that 61% would prefer to die at home.

Mr Stewart, who is also Labour’s Shadow Public Health Minister, held his cross-party member’s debate on the ‘Right to Full Care to Die at Home’ in the Scottish Parliament last year.

The debate was prompted by a plea from Shetland GP Susan Bowie that there should be an automatic right for people to have full care at home day or night for their last few days of life, so that then can have their wish fulfilled by being able to die at home with suitable palliative care.

Mr Stewart stressed that parents currently have the right to have their child born at home and the national health service provides midwives, but we do not have the right to carers to enable us to die at home.

“A new national strategy is desperately needed,” said Mr Stewart.

“What we have learnt from the pandemic is that end-of-life care is extremely important to families and carers as they struggle with lockdown restrictions and limits to hospital and care home visiting.

“It would be a huge relief to many GPs across Scotland that when someone says they want to die at home they know for sure they can get the compassionate care to back up the palliative care that is provided.”

Mrs Grant added: “A national strategy will help ensure that those living with and dying from terminal illness will get the support they need to live as comfortably as they can with the time they have left.

“It is not so much about dying at home it is more about living at home. When days are few they are precious. There is a greater need to live them to the full, to savour and appreciate things around you. That is much better to do at home than in an institution.”

Dr Bowie said: “I am incredibly grateful to the Scottish Parliament for discussing this, and for the cross-party support. Indeed, when days are few they are precious.

“As a Highlands and Islands GP I want to be able to care for my patients at home in their last few days. But that doesn’t always happen as my patient may have wished, because we don’t have the necessary care at home, or nurses.

“At the moment we can be born at home, even though we can’t decide that. Our parents can, and the midwives have to help, as it’s the law. You have a right to have a baby at home, no matter the risk, and the state must provide a midwife.

“But there are no such rights for death.

“There is much talk about people having the choice to die at home, in palliative care strategies, both national and local. However, when it comes to death 60% of folk in Scotland want to be able to die in their own beds, with their loved ones in attendance.

“If, however, home care or district nurses decide they don’t have the means to support it, it forces people ‘at the last’ to be taken off to care centres or hospitals against their wishes, if the relatives are unable to manage entirely on their own.

“Sometimes relatives caring for a dying person at home just need a few nights help to care, or even just a few hours, or just help with the dignity of personal care. Help to make their loved one comfortable. Homecare don’t have to provide that help. It’s up to the Integration Joint Boards, and whilst they don’t have to provide, then many won’t. It’s all wrong and the only way we can sort this is legislation, so that councils and Health Boards will make it happen.”


First Minister questioned on support for marine tourism businesses

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, has appealed to the First Minister to put help in place for marine tourism businesses who have received no financial assistance to mitigate the effects of the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions.

During First Minister’s Questions yesterday, Mrs Grant said “The First Minister is aware that businesses have received lifeline assistance based on their rateable value.

“However there are maritime businesses that do not have rateable values, but do have berthing dues and rental payments, commitments on a similar scale to their land based equivalent.

“They have received no help. They may qualify for discretionary local authority funding but this is inadequate to meet the charges they face and tiny in comparison with land based businesses. 

“Will she look at this again and provide support that will keep them in business?

The First Minister responded to Mrs Grant that she would ask the Finance Minister, Kate Forbes, to look into it.

Commenting afterwards Rhoda Grant said “I have contacted the Finance Minister about this previously and I have put questions directly to the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy and Tourism, Fergus Ewing, and to the Deputy First Minister, John Swinney.

“To date, it’s fallen on deaf ears and they don’t appear to have grasped the difficulty being experienced by marine tourism businesses. The marine based businesses who have contacted me do not have a rateable value as their businesses are based on boats rather than in bricks and mortar. Most of the funding on offer however, is based on the rateable value of the business and so excludes these businesses from applying.”

Mrs Grant concluded “These businesses are facing the same real financial difficulties as land based businesses and are crying out for help. I am however, on the back of the First Minister’s response to my question today, contacting the Finance Minister again, to urge her to put help in place for these businesses now.

“They have been left in the lurch for months and I hope the First Minister’s intervention will now mean that these business owners can receive the help they so desperately need to continue to operate.”

MSP gives views to Scottish Parliament committee on CHAT petition

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, asked a Scottish Parliament committee if it could examine whether obstetric and paediatric support could be put in place at Caithness General to stop most pregnant woman travelling to Raigmore hospital to give birth.

Mrs Grant’s statement was read out at the public petitions committee today which considered the petition to review maternity models in remote and rural areas.

The petition, lodged by Maria Aiken on behalf of Caithness Health Action Team, called on “the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to ask all relevant health boards to review their maternity model to ensure that it meets the needs of remote and rural communities”.

Mrs Grant said:

“A total of 90% of Caithness women currently give birth in Raigmore hospital, over 100 miles away in Inverness and really that needs to be addressed. There has never been a risk assessment on emergency transfers or indeed on the journeys south that pregnant women face, sometimes in appalling weather conditions.

“A focus group feedback on maternity services in November 2019 found the issue of road, and possible ambulance transfer, was a huge concern that “could not be overemphasised”.

“There was an overriding opinion that many women were requesting an induction or an elective section in order that they could plan their journey and not have the stress and anxiety of undertaking the journey in an unplanned way whilst in labour. Transferring women in labour by air to Raigmore and also transferring medical experts into Caithness by air also have their problems which seem insurmountable at the moment.

“The CHAT health campaigners in Caithness, after many years of raising the concerns of parents and their families, are now asking that Obstetrics support the Community Midwife Unit based at Caithness General to provide a 21st century experience for maternity services in the far north.  This would need to have the equivalent Paediatric support, something that appears never to have been considered.

“I ask that the committee examine whether Obstetric and Paediatric support could be put in place at Caithness General and, at the very least, that a risk assessment of emergency transfers takes place.”

The committee, at a previous sitting, had unanimously agreed to get back to the Scottish Government to ask what progress had been made on several initiatives which were looking at solutions for rural areas.

However, today the committee’s MSPs thanked campaigners for bringing the petition forward, but decided to close the petition, saying that the Scottish Government had moved to identify a number work streams to tackle the issues raised.

Although, it was also agreed that the issues were not going to go away and would continue to be highlighted and discussed in the future.

More information on the petition:


Essential Tremor patients in Scotland missing out on access to life-changing treatment

Media release issued today by Tremor Society:

The Scottish Parliament cannot address a petition urging for the use of a new, life-changing treatment, transcranial Magnetic Resonance Guided Focused Ultrasound – more commonly referred to as MRgFUS – for the treatment of medication refractory Essential Tremor within NHS Scotland.

The Public Petitions Committee has been considering the petition, which was first tabled in July 2019 and during multiple meetings since. The most recent of these meetings in December heard evidence from a renowned Professor Neurosurgeon from Imperial College London, and the committee were impressed by the benefits of the therapy. As a result, the Committee requested written evidence from the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Jeane Freeman OBE MSP, on whether the treatment can be cleared for use in Scotland.

The Committee was due to discuss this again on the 10th of February but the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport failed to respond in time, resulting in the issue being dropped from the meeting agenda.

Mary Ramsay, chair of the Scottish Tremor Society said, “I have spent 21 years raising awareness of the impact of Essential Tremor and a lifetime living with the condition myself. I learned six years ago about MRgFUS as an effective treatment for this condition from the National Tremor Foundation in England. Since that moment, I have tirelessly petitioned the Scottish Government to make this treatment available to Scottish patients. I am deeply frustrated that the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport has failed to respond to our parliamentary petition. One hour of her attention could mean a lifetime of change for many thousands of Scottish people living with a condition that could be treated more effectively, safely and cheaply.”

She continued, “The COVID-19 response must be taking up most of the Cabinet Secretary’s attention right now and we all want to see Scotland recover from COVID-19 and build NHS Scotland back better. Surely MRgFUS could build an opportunity for recovery for Scottish Essential Tremor patients alongside these plans. If the Cabinet Secretary does not respond to the Scottish Parliamentary Petitions Committee before the election, we will have to start the process all over again. I just wish the Cabinet Secretary, or the First Minster would talk to me about my experiences throughout 64 years of living with the condition, I know in my heart it can be better treated.”

More than 4,000 people in Scotland live with Essential Tremor, and it is estimated to be up to ten times more common than Parkinson’s Disease[1]. A progressive and often debilitating disease that is relatively unknown, Essential Tremor frequently leaves patients isolated, embarrassed, and often frustrated at the lack of awareness and understanding of the disease.

Highland and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, who supports Mary Ramsay’s campaign,  said, “To hear that we are further delayed in our efforts to offer potentially life-changing treatment is incredibly disappointing. Many Essential Tremor patients in Scotland will be extremely disheartened by this news, particularly when this treatment is already being offered in England. While I understand the challenges that NHS Scotland faces in the midst of this global pandemic, I urge the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport to deliberate this matter and support those suffering from Essential Tremor in Scotland.”

About Essential Tremor

Essential Tremor is a neurological disorder which affects an estimated one million people in the UK,[2] and can affect any age group, with a prevalence of around 5% of patients being children.[3] It is characterised by an uncontrollable shake or tremble in parts of the body (arms, head, eyelids, lips and other muscles), and is a progressive disease that has hereditary links. Generally, tremor is caused by a problem in the deep parts of the brain that control movements. Everyday tasks such as personal care, writing, using technology, eating, or simply getting dressed etc., can be impossible for people with severe Essential Tremor.

 About Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS)

Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) technology uses MRI imaging to guide high powered, focused ultrasound to a very small point. At that point, molecules are vibrated extremely quickly, which creates intense local heat. That heat can destroy tissue. MRgFUS allows clinicians to target a very specific focal point – with very little heating produced in front of and behind that point, so only the targeted tissue is affected.

About the Scottish Tremor Society

The Scottish Tremor Society is an affiliate of the UK wide National Tremor Foundation and is dedicated to helping people in Scotland with Tremors.

We hope to provide a supportive and caring environment and aim to help everyone no matter how young or old with a Tremor.

[1] National Tremor Foundation. About Tremor. Available at: https://tremor.org.uk/what-is-tremor. Last accessed: February 2021.

[2] Imperial NHS. 2016. Available at: https://www.imperial.nhs.uk/about-us/news/trust-first-in-the-uk-to-use-non-invasive-ultrasound-for-brain-surgery. Last accessed: February 2021.

[3] National Tremor Foundation. Essential Tremor in Children. Available at: https://tremor.org.uk/essential-tremor-in-children. Last accessed: February 2021.

Boundary Commission proposals flawed for remote and rural areas

The Scottish Government’s Communities and Local Government Secretary has been urged to investigate ‘flawed’ Boundary Commission proposals for the Highlands.

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, put Aileen Campbell on the spot today asking if she had discussed with Highland Council proposals to cut councillor representation in some of the local authority’s most remote and rural locations.

At the Scottish Parliament’s Portfolio Questions, Mrs Grant said: “Parity in island council areas has been set at 1 councillor for every 800 people. Yet in Highland the parity level has been set at 1 to 2,800.

“This will result in fewer councillors, covering huge geographical areas and islands, creating a substantial democratic deficit.

“Can I ask what the Cabinet Secretary is going to do and should do to ensure that people in these remote rural communities are properly represented?”

Ms Campbell said that her colleague, MSP Graeme Dey, had written to the council and was engaging with the council on the issue and councils were being encouraged to engage with the Commission and articulate any concerns. However, she added that if Mrs Grant wanted to alert the Scottish Government to certain issues, or if things could be done differently, then Mrs Grant was to let them know.

After the session, Mrs Grant explained that she had already written to Local Government Minister Kevin Stewart outlining the local authority’s arguments.

Highland Council had rejected the Local Government Boundary Commission’s proposals outright with the local authority saying it was “deeply unhappy”.

“There are contradictions in the plan. For instance, Skye would see a reduction from four councillors to three and this does not make sense when compared to the proposals for island wards elsewhere in Scotland,” she added.

“On the other hand, in Fort William and Ardnamurchan, the proposals are rightly to retain four councillors because roads infrastructure and travel distances require more councillors. Yet in Sutherland and Wester Ross and in Caithness, the plans are to reduce the number of councillors.

“That makes no sense to me, as I can testify that the roads and the travelling time are no different for those areas and they should be assessed in the same way as Fort William and Ardnamurchan.”

Highland Council wants an early meeting with Mr Stewart to put its case.

  • The council feels the changes proposed by the Boundary Commission fail to recognise the specific Highland context, particularly in relation to parity, sparsity, rurality and deprivation and, if implemented, would result in a significant democratic deficit and in a way that is at odds with the purpose of the boundary review which was meant to be specifically focused on reflecting the requirements of the Islands (Scotland) Act. Parity on the islands has been set at 1 councillor for every 800 electors and so these councils will get additional councillors and enhanced democratic representation. In Highland the parity level has been set at 1 to 2,800 electors across the entire area, whether island, rural or urban. This will result in fewer Councillors, creating a substantial democratic deficit in Highland. It is clear that these proposals take little account of remote and rural areas. It says the Commission’s proposals are “fundamentally flawed”