Candidate calls for decentralisation of BBC Scotland jobs to the Highlands and Islands

Rhoda Grant, Scottish Labour’s lead candidate for the Highlands and Islands region for Holyrood at the elections on May 6th has called on BBC Scotland to decentralise jobs to the region following the corporation’s decision earlier this month to move some of its key departments and staff outside London to make the corporation more reflective of the UK as a whole.

The BBC described the plan as a “top-to-bottom change” and its biggest transformation in decades.

As a result of the changes, entire departments and news divisions will be moved to Birmingham, Cardiff, Leeds, Glasgow and Salford.

Recently, smaller BBC outposts including at the Inverness base in the Highland capital have seen job losses or relocations to the central belt.

Ms Grant has written to BBC Scotland Director, Steve Carson, to ask for as many roles as possible from the relocation to be moved out of Glasgow and into the Highlands and Islands.

Commenting, Rhoda Grant said:

“The decentralisation of jobs by the BBC in London is a very welcome move, however, moving jobs out of London to Glasgow fails to support smaller sites such as the BBC office in Inverness.

“It’s clear to me that BBC Scotland and the organisation as a whole should also now seek to move jobs out of Glasgow and not only secure the future of BBC sites in the Highlands and Islands, but to actually bring jobs closer to our local communities and away from the central belt.

“We have the opportunity to bring more jobs and employment to the region as we recover from Covid-19 and decentralising jobs and creating opportunities in the Highlands and Islands must be at the heart of our national recovery plan.”

Roads repair cash spread too thinly at £1,000 a kilometre

Two regional list candidates in May’s Scottish Parliament elections have lambasted the SNP Government for a long-term campaign of starving Highland Council of cash, leaving a huge hole in the budget for road repairs and maintenance.

Although millions are being ploughed into road repairs by Highland Council, it equates to just £1,000 a kilometre, according to figures discovered by Labour’s Highlands and Islands regional list candidates Rhoda Grant.

Mrs Grant, who is also standing for Labour in Inverness and Nairn, has been lobbied by residents from across the Highlands very concerned about the state of the roads, with many posting photos of crumbling edges and huge potholes, especially on well-used stretches such as the NC500.

In a recent report by the local authority it was said that the current capital budget of £7.2million for 2021/22 sounded “a substantial investment” but the number of roads meant it equated to “just over £1,000 per km to cover maintenance and renewal of all the assets”.

The council admitted that the pandemic postponed or cancelled some planned maintenance work.

Mrs Grant commented: “Put in context that £1,000 sounds a paltry amount and the blame lies squarely at the door of the SNP Government which has starved our councils of money for too long.

“I wonder how many potholes you could find in an average one kilometre stretch of any road in the Highlands just now and I doubt £1,000 could mend it when you add the cost of materials, workers, equipment and travel.”

John Erskine, also standing for Labour in Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch, said: “The council’s area committee will soon be meeting to divvy up a good proportion of the cash locally – what a job they will have!

“We know the SNP Government have turbo charged austerity in Scotland affecting council services across our region. The SNP needs to be brought to account for shameful budget cuts.”


Grant welcomes North Kessock to Tore Study

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, has welcomed the report from consultants WSP, who were appointed by the Scottish Government to conduct a safety review on the A9 North Kessock to Tore route, which includes the notorious B9161 Munlochy Junction.

Mrs Grant, who has been campaigning on behalf of constituents for improvements at the Munlochy Junction is pleased that a Case for Change has been established and that this will now lead to the Preliminary Appraisal stage which will include wider stakeholder and public engagement.

Rhoda Grant said “The report highlights issues at the Munlochy Junction in terms of vehicles merging from the B9161 on the southbound A9, vehicles turning right from the A9 onto the B9161 and safety risks due to traffic queuing on the main carriageway while they wait to turn right on to the Munlochy road.

“It highlights four Transport Planning Objectives (TPOs) one of which is ‘To achieve an improvement in vehicular road safety and a reduction in conflicts at the Munlochy Junction (A9/B9161) in the short (3 years), medium (3-10 years) and longer term (beyond 10 years).’ Of the 40 options identified, 28 options fulfil this objective.

Mrs Grant continued “These options range in the short term from introducing speed reduction measures, improving visibility and driver awareness to influencing route choice and restricting turning movements at the junction.

“Medium term options include improving the slip road and extending the right turn lane on the A9. Converting Munlochy junction into a roundabout and creating a grade separated junction are amongst the options in the longer term.

She concluded “There is a lot of work still to be done to consult wider on the various available options but I welcome these options and will be pushing for short term measures to be introduced quickly in the meantime while the longer term options are explored further.

“I am pleased that TPOs have also been identified in terms of improving active travel access between North Kessock and Tore, with improvements to other junctions and road safety at Tore roundabout also being highlighted.

“As the gateway to the North and West of Scotland, we need to make vast improvements on this stretch of road and this report is the first stage in doing that.”

The report can be accessed via the following link:-

Grant asks Cabinet Secretary: When will the Lochaber community get its promised slice of smelter site?

Today in Parliament, the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy and Tourism, was asked to reassure Parliament about the smelter owner’s operations in Scotland, particularly in Lochaber, following the collapse of the Greensill Capital UK finance firm.

Mr Ewing told the chamber jobs at the smelter were secure and the order book was healthy.

Highlands & Islands MSP Rhoda Grant raised follow-up questions around community land ownership.

She said: “I am pleased to receive the reassurance with regard to GFG Alliance’s operations in Scotland and especially in Lochaber.

“When it purchased the Alcan Estate and Smelter in Lochaber a commitment was made to the Scottish Government and the community that they would transfer some of the vast estate to community ownership, this would have created more jobs and boosted the local economy.

“I understand from East Lochaber and Laggan Community Trust that this has not happened. 

“I wrote to the Cabinet Secretary about this, and in his response, he appeared to wash his hands off this matter. 

“Therefore, can I prevail push upon him to ensure that GFG Alliance make good this commitment?”

The Cabinet Secretary accepted there was work to do in this area, saying community involvement was something he would very much like to see taken forward. He said he has had discussions with the owner, Sanjeev Gupta, and that they had spoken to Community Councils and had been looking at one project in particular – to which there was no further mention.

Speaking afterwards, Mrs Grant said: “I was pleased to hear some work is being done on this but we definitely need to keep the pressure up on them to get things moving. If anything is coming down the line, it’s a long time coming.”


MSP Rhoda Grant visits mobile speed camera unit at Tain

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, recently visited the mobile speed camera unit, stationed on the Tain bypass.

Mrs Grant, who backed the community’s campaign for more safety measures around Tain’s Aldi and Lidl junctions, was shown how the unit helps to reduce speed on the bypass where the limit is now 50mph.

The North Safety Camera Unit issued an invitation to Mrs Grant given her work with constituents who were keen to see improvements at the accident spot.

“As with all drivers, I know that a glimpse of the camera unit does keep my speed in check and is a handy reminder of any changes to limits on the road,” she said.

“Thanks to the member of staff who showed me around, socially distanced of course, as it was good to see its inner workings.

“The site I visited was an already established location for the North Safety Camera Unit and it will continue to monitor traffic, with the reduced limit, with the aim of making the area safer for all road users.

“I do hope that a lower speed will lead to fewer accidents on this stretch, especially with travel restrictions easing after April.”

Mrs Grant was initially contacted two years ago by constituents who told her that ‘nearly every week’ an incident happens’ around the Asda and Lidl junctions.

At the time it was highlighted that 11 accidents had taken place around the Tain junctions, labelling it the worst A9 hotspot.

Transport Scotland is looking into other safety measures including the community’s call to have roundabouts at the junctions.

Scottish Government rejects nationalisation call for care homes on sell-off list

MSP Rhoda Grant is leading calls for care homes on controversial sell-off list to be taken under the control of NHS Highland.

The Scottish Government has rejected Labour MSP’s Rhoda Grant’s call for care homes to be nationalised.

Mrs Grant raised fears for five cares homes in her constituency, which are going on the market.

Moss Park at Fort William, Blair Buidhe in Stornoway, Castle Gardens in Invergordon, Cradlehall in Inverness, and Kintyre in Argyll, are among 52 care homes being sold by HC-One, the UK’s largest care homes company.

The Highlands & Islands MSP wrote earlier this month to Jeane Freeman, Scotland’s Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, asking the government if it would take the homes under public ownership.

And now, the government has issued the MSP with a reply stating it does not believe nationalisation would address the problems lying at the heart of the care home sector.

Pointing to an independent review of Adult Social Care in Scotland, the reply written on behalf of the “over-stretched” health secretary by Gillian Barclay, the Scottish Government’s deputy director of Social Care and Delivery Division, said evidence within it suggested nationalisation would “not in and off itself” improve outcomes for people using care.

Mrs Grant said this would be a blow for care home staff, residents and their families, but has vowed to continue to press for the need.

She believes transferring ownership to NHS Highland would give security to the residents, their relatives and the staff who care for them.

She said that the health board had set a precedent by bringing HC-One’s Skye care home facility, Home Farm, on board last year. The move came after a major Coronavirus outbreak at the setting in which a number of residents died. HC-One came close to being stripped of its operating licence after “serious and significant” concerns were raised about the management of the facility.

Mrs Grant said: “The SNP government is saying it has adopted Labour’s proposals for a National Care Service, but their watered-down version will only lead to centralisation. Nationalising the care home sector would not cost very much more because the public purse already pays 80 per cent of care home fees, which includes the capital costs as well as the revenue costs. The refusal to go down this route, after everything that has happened in the last 12 months, really sickens me. Adult social care cannot continue to be about corporate profit, tax avoidance and shareholder dividends. It should be about human dignity. Public services should be run for people not profit, for public interest instead of private markets.”

She added: “We will keep the pressure on the Scottish Government to bring those five care homes, and others, under public ownership. The Scottish Government’s primary aim, throughout this period, should be to see the best possible care for the residents. These homes should be brought under public control. We would be talking about better care for our elderly, and a stable, well-paid and valued workforce.”

HC-One’s care homes sell off was announced earlier this month.

The company said it also plans to close four care homes south of the border.

It said the facilities being sold were “in areas where we feel our communities would be better served by a local operator in conjunction with other local services”.


MSP secures Government meeting on Covid funding

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, has secured a meeting with the Cabinet Secretary for Finance before the Parliament goes into recess next week.

Mrs Grant contacted Kate Forbes, a fellow Highland MSP, again in a last ditch attempt to get help out to some businesses who, so far, have not received any public funding to help them mitigate the financial impact of the Covid restrictions.

Rhoda Grant said “I met with business owners and Highland Council officials earlier this week, and we discussed how the strict eligibility criteria that is attached to many of the Scottish Government’s funding pots is hampering them getting much needed support.

“Almost a year since first lockdown, some of these businesses have not received any public funding to help them through the crisis and they are fearful that their businesses will fold if they cannot access funding in the immediate future. Marine based businesses, in particular, are amongst the hardest hit as they pay harbour dues rather than business rates which excludes them from much of the funding on offer.

Mrs Grant continued “Ms Forbes gave a commitment to my colleague, Jackie Baillie, in response to the budget statement, that she would speak with local authorities if ‘tweaks’ to the funding criteria were needed. I’ve asked the Cabinet Secretary therefore to give me a half hour of her time before recess next week to discuss what talks, if any, she has had with Highland Council on this.

Mrs Grant has since been advised by the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture, Fiona Hyslop, that discretionary funding is being quadrupled to £120m.

She continued, “When I met with representatives of Highland Council they acknowledged that there was a particular problem with marine businesses accessing funding.

“Since then however, I have been advised by the Scottish Government that Council’s discretionary funding is being quadrupled from £30m to £120m.

“I hope this means that the cap of £2,000 will be lifted from their discretionary funding in order to provide these businesses that have not yet received any funding with the money they need to pull through this. However, I acknowledge that some of the businesses I have been dealing with need a significant uplift to that amount.

“It is desperately unfair that these businesses have received no support and are perilously close to folding through absolutely no fault of their own.”

MSP is encouraged that the “preferred corridor” to be announced later this month for the Rest and Be Thankful.

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP Rhoda Grant is encouraged at the announcement that the “preferred corridor” for the replacement of the Rest and Be Thankful will be announced later this month and says the public deserve a “5-star permanent solution”.

This comes after the Cabinet Secretary for Transport on Friday answered the MSP’s Parliamentary Questions surrounding the A83 at the Rest and Be Thankful. In these responses, he outlined that the design and assessment work is well underway and that the Scottish Government anticipates that the preferred corridor will be announced later this month.

However, notably, the Government did not reveal when they would publish a full timetable for the replacement of this notorious stretch of road.

The MSP has been supporting calls for a replacement road to be agreed, planned, constructed and opened within the term of the next Scottish Parliament.

Rhoda Grant said: “I’m heartened and encouraged by this announcement. Its vital that this project moves forward without delay. The people of Argyll have been inconvenienced enough.

“Looking at the eyewatering amount of money that has been put into papering over the cracks of the Rest and Be Thankful, I would plead with the Government to invest the necessary funds to ensure that Argyll has a five-star permanent solution and that an alternative interim solution is also put in place.”

Mrs Grant continued: “I will continue to pressure the Government to move this project along so that the solution, whichever one they pick, is opened as soon as possible.”

As part of the £87M invested in maintaining the A83 since 2007, the Scottish Government have spent over £15M in landslide measures at the Rest and Be Thankful. This has kept the A83 open for an estimated 48 days, when it otherwise would have been closed.

Additionally, the recent measures including debris netting, improved drainage and a 175m long, 6m high debris bund above the Old Military Road have kept the road in operation for all but eight occasions over the past 2 months (5 partial or whole nights and 3 partial or whole days) with further mitigation measures to be announced in the coming weeks

Rhoda Grant supports Caithness Roads Recovery campaign

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, is supporting the Caithness Roads Recovery campaign.

Mrs Grant was contacted by the group asking for her backing and she has written to Highland Council to ask specifically about the predicted cost of road repairs in Caithness and North West Sutherland, but also across the region.

She has also written to the Scottish Government’s Finance Secretary, Kate Forbes, pointing out the campaign’s request for emergency funding, asking what assessment the Government had made of road repairs and what it was going to do to tackle the problem.

“Congratulations to the community for starting this action, as it’s an issue that affects us all, whether, a driver, a pedestrian, biker or cyclist,” said Mrs Grant.

“I’ve looked at its Facebook page and it’s quite eye-opening to see the photos taken by residents in each area. I do worry that it won’t be damaged wheels and tyres, but people may be injured.

“With spring nearly upon us, and people getting out and about a bit more, large potholes and crumbling road surfaces are being seen across the region.

“And, with many people considering a staycation this year, these roads are likely to face increased traffic. While we want to encouraged tourists we must also ensure that the infrastructure to cope with them is in place.

“I completely understand that the local authority may be struggling to catch up with services after coping with the pandemic and they certainly won’t have extra cash on a handy money tree.
“I am hoping that the Government don’t come back with the usual response, that it’s totally up to Highland Council to manage the budget.”

Scottish Government refuses to provide funding for Shetland MRI scanner

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, has accused the Scottish Government of badly letting down the Shetland community for not helping the funding of the islands’ new MRI scanner.

Mrs Grant wrote to Health Secretary, Jeane Freeman, asking if she would now consider chipping in some money to support the service following the fundraising target being reached and the tremendous efforts of people on the islands

However, Ms Freeman has told Mrs Grant while the benefits of the scanner are acknowledged additional Scottish funding is not justified.

“The Health Secretary is basing her calculations on the fact that demand for the scanner would be one day a week, but this is what island and rural areas always face, the balance between the number of people using the service and the fact that a service is so much better when it is close-to-home,” said Mrs Grant.

“We will never break free of the centralisation of services if it is purely a numbers game and it is about time the Scottish Government woke up to that.

“I realise that specialist treatment and complicated surgery will nearly always been be in main centres, to capture the skills and experience of consultants and surgeons, but equipment such as a scanner will make such a difference to people who may already be very sick and face long journeys otherwise.

“It is very disappointing to hear the Scottish Government continue with the same old argument.”

Mr Freeman said: “As I set out in my previous letter, while the benefit of an MRI for the local community is acknowledged by the Scottish Government, we must consider services and funding of those services to ensure appropriate provision across all of Scotland.

“As a consequence, regrettably, it is not always possible to justify funding for provision of all services in all areas. The demand for scanning in Shetland is around 1 day per week, and there would still be a need for specialised scans and supportive care to continue to be provided off the island. This is an example of where justification with regards to provision of additional Scottish Government funding (above that already provided to the Board), in this case for an MRI scanner in Shetland, is not always possible.”