Highlands & Islands Regional MSP, Rhoda Grant, who launched an educational leaflet earlier this autumn has reminded constituents that Fireworks are not just an issue around 5th November:
Rhoda said ” back at the end of October I teamed up with the SSPCA to launch an educational leaflet about fireworks and the dangers they pose to the vulnerable people, pets and wild animals. While bonfire night is over I am sure that many people still have fireworks. Can I make a plea that people be considerate when setting them off. This year we heard of a pony was absolutely shattered after being distressed all night, Another pet dog took a heart attack with the fright and yet another dog bolted when he heard a loud bang and he ran into the path of an oncoming car and was killed. This problem will recur as we get closer to the festive season, therefore think before you set them off and take steps to protect vulnerable people and pets. That said, I don’t want to dampen anyone’s party celebrations, I just want them to think before setting off fireworks. I do hope that constituents will have a Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year