Young Lives V Cancer

Thank you for getting in touch about this important topic.

Thanks to Young Lives vs Cancer for all its work in advocating for children and young people with cancer, and their families.

Scottish Labour welcome that the Scottish Government published a Cancer Strategy for Children and Young People three years ago, and we are currently exploring what progress has been made to date.

Improving cancer care is about so much more than early diagnosis and faster treatment – of course, these are important, but so too is the mental and wellbeing support. That’s why the North Star Vision is an important intervention.

Jackie Baillie MSP, Scottish Labour’s Spokesperson for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care, has previously met already with Young Lives vs Cancer, and is keen to learn more about its current work, including the North Star Vision.

More generally, this is a worrying time for cancer patients in Scotland as the SNP Government has repeatedly missed its own lifesaving targets for treatment.

I hope you find this helpful.

Best Wishes,
Rhoda Grant